Biden Cuts Debt, Tuition Keeps Soaring

Demon Team

Demon Team

Apr 15, 2024

Tuitions are soaring at U.S. colleges and universities, and short-sighted student loan policies may be partly to blame. This week, Ben and Nathan discuss the latest round of student loan forgiveness, which treats the symptoms of high education costs but won’t fix the problem.

The guys also correct a common misconception about “test-optional” admissions. They consider the scholarship chances of applicants with low GPAs.

And they advise a listener to pick a new personal statement topic.

3:48 - LSAT Optional

No, the LSAT is not “going away” in 2025. Law schools will continue to value the LSAT even if they aren’t required to use it.

15:32 - Low GPA

Applicants with low GPAs aren’t locked out of law school. Grade forgiveness may help some. But a high LSAT score is the real key to getting scholarships.

23:24 - GPA and Law School Rankings

An anonymous listener considers taking a course pass-fail to avoid hurting their GPA. Nathan and Ben approve. The guys explain why law schools are so invested in their GPA medians: it’s all in the rankings game.

31:40 - $100,000 a Year

Some colleges will soon charge $100,000 a year. Ben and Nathan bemoan the unhinged state of tuition hikes and student loans.

39:34 - Personal Statement

The guys advise an anonymous listener to avoid a vague personal statement.

43:00 - Graduate School

An anonymous listener wants to drop out of grad school but worries about what law schools will think. Nathan and Ben think the choice is clear.

46:38 - Extra Test Attempt

Leslie, LSAT Demon’s admissions guru, shares the story of a student who successfully appealed for an extra test attempt.

50:48 - Word of the Week

Listener Syd recommends Merriam-Webster’s Word of the Day.

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